Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Pirates of the Caribbean

I was astonished to hear that Gabriel Garcia Marquez's new novel in ten years has been pirated even before its official release!

García Márquez's new work, Memorias de Mis Putas Tristes, or Memories of My Melancholy Whores, will be published in Spanish on Wednesday, a week before the original launch date. All this because of pirates!

But actually, this is so flattering for a writer!

Garcia himself has talked about it in one of his interviews. Garcia, on his maiden trip to the US, found a pirated copy of one of his novels at a pavement bookstall. He said that that day he realized that he had arrived as a writer.

I don't know if Marquez will have the same view on piracy even today. At least his publishers won't appreciate this.

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